
Minecraft 1.17 10
Minecraft 1.17 10

minecraft 1.17 10

Iron Golem now spawns only on solid blocks ( MCPE-140145).Dungeons are no longer misplaced or missing outside of the Caves & Cliffs experimental toggle ( MCPE-121708).Fossils are now much less likely to generate in, and destroy, structures.Using Dye on Signs that contain formatted color text will overwrite the formatted color text.Vanilla Parity: Players are now able to activate Elytra gliding while moving upward ( MCPE-59580).Non-fireproof mobs now avoid pathing through fire ( MCPE-23835).Bee Nests now generate correctly in the world ( MCPE-141324) ( MCPE-132195).Holding Top Snow in hand while hovering over Grass Blocks no longer causes incorrect behavior ( MCPE-140659) ( MCPE-140660).Non-Experimental Features and Bug Fixes General

minecraft 1.17 10

Copper Ore now generates up to y=96 instead of y=64 ( MCPE-125233).Fixed an issue in beta builds where flying above the world limit (255 for non-Caves & Cliffs experimental, 319 for Caves & Cliffs experimental) would be prohibited ( MCPE-141360).New flat worlds using the Caves & Cliffs experimental toggle will generate starting at "y=-64".Upgrades older flat worlds to the new extended heights available with the Caves & Cliffs experimental toggle.For more information, please see our FAQ! We'd love to hear your feedback about it at aka.ms/CavesCliffsFeedback.Chunks previously upgraded with Bedrock underneath will not see this change.Added new world/cave generation when upgrading saved chunks below Y=0 using the Caves and Cliffs experimental toggle.They will never let me live this down… Experimental Features And if the rest of the Bedrock team asks where I am, just tell them I’m stuck in traffic. While I try to dig myself out, please enjoy this week’s Bedrock Beta update and send us your feedback at aka.ms/CavesCliffsFeedback and report any bugs at. I know I followed a copper ore vein that was deeper than usual and all of a sudden, I’m below one of my saved chunks and here we are. Hello? Hello? Can anyone hear me? I’m in a newly generated cave and, I’m not saying I’m lost, but I most certainly don’t know how to find my way out.

Minecraft 1.17 10